(805) 682-1910

Spa Cleaning Service

Bahama Bob’s  provides spa cleaning services from Goleta through Carpinteria. With more than 30 years experience and certified by the National Swimming Pool Foundation, you can trust that your spa is properly sanitized for your health and chemically balanced for the longevity of your investment.

Our Spa Cleaning Packages 

The prices below are for above ground spas and hot tubs (not inground). 

The safety of your children and pets are our number one concern, so we commit to always latch spa covers and entry gates. 

Person Cleaning Hot Tub

Bi-weekly Service


$75 /month



2-3 visits per month

Vacuum sand and debris

Test water chemistry

Balance water (chemicals included)

Filter check and clean

UV treat cover


Person Hosing Off Water Filter

Single Visit Drain & Clean





Drain spa

Wash to remove calcification

Clean filter

Refill spa

Balance water (chemicals included)

UV treat cover


Still have questions about our cleaning services?